Ozempic (Semaglutide) for Medical Weight Loss in San Diego

Are you interested in receiving a medical weight loss treatment in San Diego? If so, Pacific Lipo can offer you a revolutionary FDA-approved weight loss injection solution called Semaglutide. If you are interested in Semaglutide for weight loss in San Diego, give us a call today: (858) 427-8899


An Overview of Semaglutide for Medical Weight Loss in San Diego


Ozempic (Semaglutide) allows the pancreas to produce more insulin and slow the digestive process in your stomach so you don’t empty food as fast. The purpose is to reduce your appetite and allow you to feel full for much longer. That way, you won’t get the urge to eat a lot of food, so you consume less calories and lose weight.


The original purpose of Semaglutide was to treat people with Type 2 Diabetes. Since Semaglutide does a great job of controlling blood sugar levels, people with low insulin levels found the treatment to work well for them. However, what they also noticed was how much weight they were losing as a bonus.


The FDA has not approved Semagluide as an official diabetes medication. But, the FDA has approved Semaglutide as an official weight loss medication in eligible adults. Therefore, you can feel confident using Semaglutide to lose weight because of its FDA-approved status.


Please note that you do not need diabetes to be eligible for the Semaglutide injections for weight loss purposes. We only use it for its ability to slow digestion and reduce appetite in overweight patients, not necessarily for its blood sugar management properties. Our doctors must evaluate your current health status to see if Semaglutide is a safe and effective treatment for you.


How Does Semaglutide for Medical Weight Loss Work?


Semaglutide imitates an appetite-regulating hormone in the brain called glucagon-like peptide-1. A shorter name for it is GLP-1.


The hormone is responsible for how the brain knows the body is full. So, for example, when you have finished eating a meal, incretin hormones will get released from your digestive tract to boost insulin and lower blood sugar production. This creates the effect of feeling full and not wanting to consume more calories.


You won’t necessarily need to practice a special diet after receiving the Semaglutide treatment. But you may not want to eat as much as you did before, which is the purpose. Reduced-calorie meals will ensure your body burns more calories than it consumes. Then you will watch as you lose about 1 to 2 pounds weekly.


It may not seem like a lot of weight loss initially, but the pounds lost each week will add up as you continue the treatment process.


Request an Appointment for a Semaglutide Consultation


The first step is to request an appointment to speak with our doctor at Pacific Lipo San Diego. Next, we need to evaluate your current weight, body mass index, and other health conditions you may have.


The typical eligible candidate for Semaglutide is somebody with a BMI of 27 and one weight-related issue like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If we determine you are eligible for Semaglutide, we will arrange a date and time for you to visit our facility for the official treatment.


Ozempic (Semaglutide) is an effective treatment, but you should not only rely on it to lose weight. Our doctors will also recommend you make profound lifestyle changes, especially regarding healthy eating and exercise. Together, the lifestyle changes and the Semaglutide treatment will give you the weight loss results you want. If you are interested in Semaglutide for weight loss in San Diego, give us a call today: (858) 427-8899

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