Our Philosophy


At Pacific Lipo™, we understand that many of us, no matter how much we diet and work out, are still unable to change our shape. Pacific Lipo's body contouring procedures achieve amazing results in a spa-like, outpatient surgical setting. Our independent surgeons specialize in Lipo, Tummy Tucks, Breast Augmentation, Face Lifts, Arm Lifts, and Brazilian Butt Lifts. We have plastic and cosmetic surgeons who use instruments so tiny that only a local anesthetic may be necessary and no stitching is required! We also offer various form of sedation for those patients who prefer to be as comfortable as possible. Our goal is for you to remain comfortable during your procedure, recover faster afterward, with minimal scarring, firmer, tighter skin, and smoother overall results.

At Pacific Lipo™ we constantly strive to achieve the finest results by providing cutting edge, proven technology that is among the safest available today. You will have the advantage of being treated in our state-of-the-art outpatient surgical suite which provides technical sophistication that features pleasing, elegant décor.

If you are looking for a better body contour via Liposculpture, a Tummy Tuck, a Brazilian Butt Lift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, an Arm Lift, Face Lifts, or gentle Facial Rejuvenation Fat transfer Techniques, contact Pacific Lipo for a free consultation to see which options may be available to you. At Pacific Lipo of San Diego, California has achieved accreditation by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).

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