Our Safety Standards


The physicians atPacific Lipo must adhere to strict Safety Guidelines to ensure patient safety.

Pacific Lipo is San Diego, California has been Fully Accredited by AAAHC, or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. AAAHC is a private, non-profit organization formed in 1979 to assist ambulatory health care organizations in improving the Quality of Care provided to patients. This means that our on-site surgery centers must meet rigorous standards set forth by a nationally recognized organization which independently reviews our policies, procedures, processes and outcomes.

AAAHC accreditation means that the organization participates in on-going self evaluation, Peer Review and education to continuously improve its care and services. The organization also commits to a thorough, on-site survey by AAAHC surveyors, who are themselves Health Care Professionals, at least every three years.

Our surgeons and staff will guide you throughout the entire process, beginning with the preoperative stage all the way through your recovery and follow up appointments. Please remember to take your antibiotics as prescribed and follow all of your physician's instructions for the best outcomes.

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