Plastic surgery has been around for much longer than most people know or would even expect. Some of the oldest evidence of cosmetic procedures dates to ancient India, in 800 B.C. In Rome, records indicate attempts at reconstructive procedures for the ears, nose, and lips.
These techniques were adopted by the West. Medical professionals spent years studying the science in great detail until they could introduce the options that their clients now enjoy. The form of cosmetic surgery we know today took shape in the 1960s and 70s. Of those that emerged, a popular procedure that has been changing women's lives is breast lifts.
This is a popular cosmetic procedure where a plastic surgeon alters your breasts shape. The main aim of the procedure is to raise the breasts by reshaping breast tissue and removing any excess skin.
The procedure does not alter breast size, but you can combine a breast lift with other procedures for that option. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon will usually:
Raise the level of your breasts
Add symmetry to your breasts to make them much more identical
Change the direction of the areola to make them face forward instead of down, and reduce the size if it has enlarged
Eliminate extra skin that has developed as your breasts stretch
Add a rounder appearance to your breasts
Improve the support of your nipples by tightening your breast tissue
The breasts undergo many changes as women age and bear children, often losing their firmness. In addition, they become less elastic, resulting in skin that does not snap back as it would have done when you were younger. Some of the more common causes are:
Pregnancy substantially contributes to changes to your breast shape and tissues. When you are pregnant, the ligaments that support your breasts can stretch as your breasts become fuller. When this happens, the breast becomes significantly heavier, leading to saggy breasts after pregnancy. Whether you breastfeed your baby or not has no bearing on these changes; they will happen.
Gaining or losing considerable weight can cause the skin and tissues around the breasts to stretch. Weight changes can also impact the ability of the skin to stretch and bounce back, leading to saggy breasts.
The inescapable force that runs the world will also impact your breasts. It pulls down on your ligaments and breast tissue, making them stretch and sag over time.
If you plan to have other children, getting this procedure is not advisable; with the pregnancy, you will offset the changes. Also, the procedure is not advisable if you are still breastfeeding because it can negatively affect your body's ability to produce milk.
For more on breast lifts, visit Pacific Liposculpture at our offices in Beverly Hills, San Diego, or Newport Beach, California. Call (424) 421-2250, (858) 427-8899, or (888) 575-8898 to book an appointment today.