What Medical Issues Can Be Addressed by a Rhinoplasty?

Many people see rhinoplasty or a nose job as a purely cosmetic procedure. But did you know that rhinoplasty can actually help with various medical conditions? In many cases, a doctor recommends rhinoplasty if you want to change the appearance of your nose. They may also suggest it if you have breathing problems due to your nose’s structure. 


Rhinoplasty is a surgery that repairs and reshapes the nose. While it sounds so simple, remember that a nose job is a complex surgery. After all, the nose has an intricate structure. Changes made during rhinoplasty are often small, but they can make a big difference. A nose job can help address the following medical issues:



Deviated Septum 


A deviated septum refers to a misalignment of the wall between the nasal passages. When you have this condition, you may experience nasal congestion and breathing difficulties. Rhinoplasty can correct a deviated septum by repositioning or removing the obstructive nasal structures. 



Resolving Nasal Fractures


Accidents happen, and nasal fractures are a typical result of facial trauma. Not only can a broken nose affect your appearance, but it can also lead to functional issues like difficulty breathing or sinusitis. Rhinoplasty can reposition the nasal bones, correct misalignments, and restore proper nasal function. 



Correcting Congenital Defects


Some individuals are born with nasal deformities or congenital defects. These defects may include cleft lip and palate, nasal asymmetry, or a lack of nasal projection. Rhinoplasty can reshape the nasal structure, improve symmetry, and enhance overall aesthetics. 


With rhinoplasty, individuals can experience a boost in confidence and a significant improvement in their physical appearance.



Alleviating Chronic Sinusitis 


Chronic sinusitis happens when there’s a persistent inflammation of the sinus cavities. It can cause recurrent sinus infections, facial pain, and difficulty breathing. 


In some cases, rhinoplasty, combined with sinus surgery, can alleviate the symptoms and improve sinus drainage. The surgery can also remove obstructions, such as polyps or nasal bone abnormalities. 



Feel Better, Breathe Well with Rhinoplasty


Do you want to change the appearance of your nose? Do you think a rhinoplasty will resolve your breathing issues? If so, don’t hesitate to discuss your concerns with the experts. 


Explore the possibilities of rhinoplasty and how it can positively impact your life. Visit Pacific Liposculpture at our Beverly Hills, San Diego, or Newport Beach, California offices. You may also call (424) 421-2250, (858) 427-8899, or (888) 575-8898 to schedule an appointment today.

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