What to Know About a Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

Exercise and diet are great ways to get in shape and contour your body. However, the butt can be a very difficult body part to shape and contour. For that, a popular solution is the Brazilian butt lift. The procedure helps contour the butt and give it that wowing effect.

The Brazilian butt lift is a complicated procedure, so it is important to find an experienced plastic surgeon to do it. It is best to prepare well beforehand and follow some guidelines after the procedure. Following all these will help you have the best outcomes.


What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that uses fat transfer to augment the shape and size of the butt. It is different from the butt augmentations procedures that use implants. The fat that the surgeon injects into the butt is harvested from other parts of the body. The surgeon can take fat from the abdomen, the thighs, or the lower back. 

A good and experienced plastic surgeon will not only shape the butt but also improve the lower body. They will shape and contour the lower body by harvesting fat from problem areas. You will have not only a better-looking butt but also better curves.


What Happens During the Procedure?

Because the procedure involves the use of fat, the results look more realistic than butt implants. The procedure will usually involve the following:


  • Pain Management

The first step is managing pain during the procedure. The procedure is usually performed under anesthesia, but if the surgeon only needs a small fat volume, they will use local anesthesia. You should tell the surgeon if you react to anesthesia, like nausea. They will give you some anti-nausea medication.


  • Fat Grafting

The surgeon will then harvest the fat from the other body parts. They will use liposuction to do this. Liposuction uses tiny incisions with little scarring to remove fat. 


  • Fat Purification

After the fat is harvested, it is purified to prepare it for injection into the butt. 


  • The Butt

After purification, the surgeon injects the fat into specific parts of the butt. The surgeon has to be very strategic in where they inject it to produce a fuller, more shapely butt. At a minimum, the surgeon makes between three to five incisions on the butt. The incisions help them transfer the fat.


  • Closing Up

All the incisions made for the fat transfer are stitched up. The surgeon will then use a compression garment on the areas. It helps minimize the chances of bleeding.


How Should You Prepare for the Procedure?


  • Quit smoking and taking alcohol before and after the procedure to improve healing

  • Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet before the procedure to ensure your body has enough nutrients to help heal

  • Prepare mentally for the procedure as it may be a bit overwhelming; for instance, you must avoid sitting for a while after it

  • Stock up on supplies for the recovery period

  • Ensure your home or recovery space is comfortable enough

  • Carry loose-fitting clothes to the procedure

For more on what to know about a Brazilian butt lift procedure, visit Pacific Liposculpture at our offices in San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (858) 558-8328 to book an appointment today.

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