What to Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, involves the reshaping of breasts to make them smaller. Some women get a breast reduction for cosmetic reasons, while others do it for health reasons. In some cases, large breasts can cause health issues such as back, shoulder, and neck pain. 

Large breasts can mean chest rashes, difficulty exercising, and limited clothing options. Like with all surgeries, the procedure has some risks, and it is vital to understand the pros and cons. 


Breast Reduction Surgery 

Breast reduction is an outpatient procedure generally completed in three hours. Surgeons remove the excess tissue and skin, reducing the size of the breasts. The nipples are moved up, giving the breasts a lift. 

Most women can go home the next day or the morning after. It would be best if you took days off work to recover. It is recommended to move about regularly after the surgery but avoid rigorous exercise for at least one month. 


Breast Reduction Vs. Breast Lift

It is necessary to know that a breast reduction differs from a breast lift. Breast reduction involves the removal of excess fat and breast tissue, as well as some skin. It helps reduce the overall size of the breast. 

A breast lift removes excess skin, helping reshape and raise sagging breasts. A breast lift improves the breast contour but does not require the removal of glandular breast tissue or fat. A breast reduction will also include a breast lift for the best results. 


Results of Breast Reduction 

Note that you may not necessarily get your desired cup size after the procedure. The surgeon will discuss your goals during the consultation and determine the best treatment plan. You will learn how much breast material can be removed depending on your breast composition and size. 

Most patients receive a reduction of one or two cup sizes. There is a high chance of losing the nipple sensation immediately after surgery. Some might come back within a month or two. There are surgical techniques that can help preserve them. 


Scarring After the Surgery

It is necessary to know that breast reduction surgery will leave scars, even with the best wound-closing technique. Scarring mostly depends on genetics. The incision wounds go around the nipple and straight down the bottom of the breast. 

The wound will remain swollen for some time. For most women, scars improve over time but will always be present. Significant improvements are experienced within a year after the reduction. 


Paying for Breast Reduction 

In some cases, insurance can cover breast reduction surgery. If the surgery is necessary to relieve back pain or skin issues, it is considered a medical necessity. Insurance may cover all or part of the cost. 

The surgeon will take measurements and provide the information required by the insurance company. Check your insurance policy to understand the coverage criteria when planning the surgery. 

Most patients are shocked the first time they see their breasts after the surgery. After the dressings come off, the breasts have severe bruising, discoloration, and stitches. The swelling will disappear in a week or two. You need to know that breast reduction surgery can make it difficult to breastfeed in the future. However, some women can breastfeed, and it is difficult to determine who might have the problem. 

For more about breast reduction surgery, visit Pacific Lipo at our San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California office. Call 858-427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898 to schedule an appointment today.

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