Healing Process After a Nose Job/Rhinoplasty

Full recovery/healing from rhinoplasty takes approximately one year on average. The period may seem long, but it becomes more manageable over time. Usually, patients will start feeling better and back to normal within a matter of days or weeks. The recovery timeline is not standard for everyone; however, here is what you may expect after the operation.


Nose Job Recovery Timeline

Immediately after the surgery, the doctor will apply an icepack on the area as you rest in the recovery room. On leaving the healthcare center, your recovery may follow this path.


  • Within the first week, the caregiver will remove the splint on your nose. Afterward, you can go outside since you have no visible surgical wounds. If you have bruising around your eyes, give it another week to subside

  • After roughly four weeks, you can resume your exercise regime, like cycling, swimming, and jogging

  • By approximately six weeks post-op, your bones are strong enough to withstand heavy, resistant workouts

  • At around three to six months, you will experience lesser abnormal sensations and numbness around the nasal area

  • A year on, the healing process will be ending. You may have much less swelling, and your nose’s new shape will be definite


Post-op Care


After undergoing this invasive procedure, the doctor will send you home to begin your recovery. Here are some things that may help reduce recovery time and discomfort. 


Use Cold Compresses


After rhinoplasty, it is vital to use cold compresses around the target area for at least 72 hours. Doing this helps reduce discomfort and swelling. However, do not apply the compresses directly on your nose. Medical experts recommend placing them in the areas around your cheeks. Doing it in this manner helps avoid accidentally shifting any cartilage or bones.



Your doctor may advise you to eat plenty of vegetables during your healing period. Also, maintain a balanced diet along with this regimen. Healthy nutrition gives your body the vital nutrients it needs in healing. Protein helps build cartilage, muscle, skin, and blood. Include fish, yogurt, eggs, nuts, and meats in your diet. They help repair the tissue cut around your nose during the operation.

Ensure you ingest plenty of vitamins during and after recovery. Vitamin A in dark leafy greens boosts your immunity and helps fight infections after surgery. Citrus fruits, broccoli, and brussels sprouts with vitamin C help regenerate collagen for your skin tissues.


Elevate Your Head

It is advisable to avoid sleeping on your side after a nose job. The position is uncomfortable during this time and may lengthen your healing period. It may cause additional swelling and bruising and could even displace your nose.

Try to elevate your head when sleeping for at least six weeks after surgery. Try propping your head on a foam wedge or use around 2 or 3 pillows. If you often toss and turn in your sleep, opt for a travel pillow or fold towels around your head.

Getting plenty of rest is vital as you may experience congestion after the surgery. During this time, your body channels the surplus energy toward healing itself. Other activities you should avoid include smoking, vigorous exercise, blowing your nose, wearing glasses, and staying outdoors.


For more information on healing after a nose job, contact Pacific Liposculpture at our offices in San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898, respectively, to book an appointment today.

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