J-Plasma Los Angeles

Skin doesn’t stay smooth and elastic forever. As you get older, your skin will begin to sag, wrinkle, and develop fine lines. These unattractive signs of old age can appear on any area of your face or body. Don’t let aging skin bring you down emotionally. The good news is that modern cosmetic enhancement technology exists to address aging skin issues like sagginess and wrinkles. You may not be able to reverse the aging process, but you can get cosmetic treatments to tighten your wrinkled and saggy skin.

The typical cosmetic surgeon would probably recommend a tummy tuck or facelift to tighten your loose skin. While those skin-tightening procedures may be effective in some cases, they are more invasive and consequently lead to longer recovery times. Fortunately, many patients do not have to resort to extensive surgeries to reduce the signs of aging skin. Now patients have another option called J-Plasma to tighten skin without extensive surgery. If you are looking for J-Plasma in Los Angeles, give us a call today to schedule your consultation: (424) 421-2250 

Learn About J-Plasma Los Angeles

J-Plasma is a minimally invasive and highly advanced skin-tightening procedure. It utilizes radiofrequency energy and helium gas to quickly tighten and stimulate the subdermal tissues of the loose skin areas on your face and body. This procedure is performed using very small incisions through the skin that are numbed with lidocaine ahead of time.

The only invasiveness involved is a tiny narrow probe inserted below the skin’s surface. The probe injects plasma under the surface to engage with your subcutaneous fascia and dermal tissues. After the engagement, the tissues contract and tighten immediately to form a smoother and firmer skin surface in that area.

You might wonder, “What is Plasma?” and “Why is Plasma Used?” Plasma consists of ionized gas with free electrons and positively charged ions, causing a safe level of heat energy to get discharged. When heat energy from the ionized gas engages your subdermal tissues, they inflict micro-injuries and force them to contract immediately.

The micro-injuries to the underlying skin cells don’t show any negative visible signs. Instead, they stimulate your body’s natural healing process and collagen production to repair the micro-damaged skin cells. When the healing process finishes, you’ll be left with firmer skin with more texture, volume, and elasticity on the surface.

What to Expect with J-Plasma?

You can elect to have the J-Plasma procedure done on any problematic area of your body with excess skin, such as your face, breasts, thighs, arms, buttocks, belly, and waist. But if excess fat exists underneath the excess skin, we may need to combine the J-Plasma procedure with liposuction to remove the fat. Our cosmetic surgeons will make this determination after an initial physical examination.

If you only need the J-Plasma procedure, there is virtually no downtime or recovery time required. Patients may leave our facility the very same day with only mild bruising, redness, and swelling in the treated areas of your body. Some patients notice the increased tightness of these areas immediately. Individual results may vary.

Get a Free J-Plasma Consultation at Pacific Lipo Los Angeles

Pacific Lipo offers professional and reliable J-Plasma services in Los Angeles. Call us at (424) 421-2250 for a free consultation regarding our skin tightening needs.

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