Losing Weight Non-Surgically 

Losing weight can help to reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases. Unfortunately, many people find it hard to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Studies show that overweight or obese individuals can benefit from semaglutide injections. 


The chronic weight management solution can help people lose up to two pounds weekly. The under-the-skin injections work best when combined with increased physical activity and a healthy diet. 



Semaglutide Weight Loss Injections  


Semaglutide weight loss injection is an FDA-approved treatment that mimics a hormone in the body. It increases insulin secretion and slows down the process of emptying food from the stomach. It helps to suppress appetite, keeping the individual feeling full for longer. 


Eating less results in weight loss. Initially approved in 2017 to control blood sugar, semaglutide helped patients to lose weight as an added benefit. Experts realized that in higher doses, the drug could help even individuals without Type 2 diabetes to lose weight. 



How Semaglutide Works 


Semaglutide mimics the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) hormone that targets certain areas of the brain. It helps to regulate appetite and food intake. The digestive system releases the hormone after eating, lowering blood sugar. 


It helps to trigger insulin release, blocking sugar production. It enables individuals to eat less, losing one or two pounds weekly. Consuming a reduced-calorie diet during the same period helps to increase the weight loss rate. 



Candidates for Semaglutide


Your doctor will help to determine if you are eligible for semaglutide injections by assessing your BMI (body mass index). Ideal candidates are:


  • Individuals with a BMI of 30 or greater

  • People with a BMI of 27 and other weight-related conditions

  • Individuals with high blood pressure or high cholesterol

  • Patients with type 2 diabetes


For best results, semaglutide should complement lifestyle changes, including exercise and a healthy diet. 



Losing Weight Non-Surgically  


The hormone-based weight loss solution is safe and highly effective. It has several benefits:


  • It helps to promote weight loss

  • It reduces blood sugar without increasing hypoglycemia

  • It reduces body weight and lipids

  • It leads to reduced blood pressure, oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers

  • It helps to suppress appetite

  • It enhances insulin synthesis and secretion

  • It promotes the sensation of fullness

  • It slows gastric emptying in the intestines, increasing the fullness sensation

  • It reduces glucagon levels after eating and during fasting


Semaglutide helps to reduce risk factors associated with being overweight or obese. Studies show that most people lose up to 10% of their body weight. Weight loss helps to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses in the future. 



Side Effects of Semaglutide


Like any medical treatment, several side effects are associated with semaglutide. The adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, bloating, stomach pain, headaches, and dizziness. 


The side effects are most common after increasing the dose. If you want to lose weight safely and without surgery, consult with your doctor about semaglutide. Your doctor will determine whether you are a good candidate for these injections. 


For more information on losing weight non-surgically, visit Pacific Lipo at our offices in San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250 or (888) 575-8898 to book an appointment today.

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