Types of Rhinoplasty and Which Is Right for You

If you are unhappy about the appearance of your nose, you can benefit from a rhinoplasty or nose job. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the shape or appearance of the nose. There are different reasons to get the surgery, including enhancing the appearance or improving breathing. 


The nose is made of skin, bone, and cartilage. Surgery can target one or all the structures. You can discover below the types of rhinoplasties and which might be suitable for you. 


Traditional Rhinoplasty


A rhinoplasty procedure is tailored to the specific patient. It can be complex, and care and precision are vital to ensure successful results. The plastic surgeon will consider your condition and desired outcomes when planning the surgical procedure. 

There are different surgical procedures—the surgeon will help determine the right one for you. Traditional rhinoplasty helps restructure the internal nasal structure. It also involves the use of sedation and incisions. 


Rhinoplasty - Open Technique 

The patient’s unique anatomy will determine the best approach to surgery. For patients who require a drastic change, open rhinoplasty is ideal. Open rhinoplasty involves an incision along the columella, the skin separating the nostrils. 

Through the incision, the surgeon can gain access to the nasal structure. After the correction, the incision is sutured, and the scar will be almost invisible over time. Open rhinoplasty allows for more comprehensive correction. 


Rhinoplasty - Closed Technique

Closed rhinoplasty is sometimes known as endonasal rhinoplasty. The technique involves the use of incisions inside the nostrils. It means there is no visible scarring, but there is limited access to the structures. 

The skin is separated from the bone and cartilage before reshaping, removal, or rearranging as required. The procedure is ideal for patients who require minimal reshaping or correction. Patients who require extensive modification are not ideal candidates. 


Revision Rhinoplasty 

If rhinoplasty fails to provide the desired results, the patient may require revision rhinoplasty. It helps correct problems from a previous procedure. This rhinoplasty involves further work on the nose to revise the earlier results to achieve the ideal goal. 

Revision rhinoplasty procedures are common mainly because it is difficult to predict how the nose will heal after surgery. Patients who fail to get the initial procedure performed by a highly qualified surgeon are also likely to require revision rhinoplasty. 


Other Surgical Techniques

Rhinoplasty alters the appearance of the nose. Apart from improving aesthetics, surgery can also help improve function. A septoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty that can help treat breathing problems. It helps correct a deviation of the septum that affects breathing. 


If you receive a diagnosis of a deviated septum, the surgeon will examine your condition to determine the best treatment approach. Functional rhinoplasty helps correct congenital or trauma nasal issues.


Rhinoplasty can help you achieve your perfect nose, whether you need reduction or augmentation. It can change the shape, size, or direction of the tip. The shape of your nose can help enhance your facial features. The surgeon will recommend the best rhinoplasty technique for you. 


For more information on rhinoplasties or to schedule a consultation, contact Pacific Lipo at our San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California offices. Call 858-427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898, respectively, today.

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