What Can a Facelift Correct?

If you are unhappy about your facial appearance, you can consider getting a cosmetic surgical procedure. A facelift or rhytidectomy can help correct or alter certain facial features, giving you a contoured and attractive appearance. 


If you are looking for natural-looking changes, talk to a plastic surgeon about the best procedures. It is necessary to understand that a facelift does not correct issues such as sun-damaged skin or wrinkles. 


A Facelift Procedure 


A facelift is a surgical procedure that can help create a youthful-looking face. The cosmetic procedure can help smooth skin folds and reduce skin sagging on the jawline and cheeks. 


During the surgery, a flap of skin is pulled back before altering the tissues underneath. The excess skin is then removed, creating a more youthful appearance. In most cases, a neck lift is performed alongside the facelift to reduce sagging skin and fat on the neck.


Getting Rid of Jowls


You can benefit from a facelift if you have loose skin on your lower face and neck (jowls). The procedure can remove sagging and excess skin, tightening the lower part of the face. It helps create a more contoured and youthful-looking face. A neck lift removes the unwanted skin in the neck for a rejuvenated overall appearance. 


Correcting Deep Creases

Wrinkles and fine lines are signs of aging. While a facelift may not get rid of fine wrinkles, it can help soften deep creases. Surgery can correct the creases along the nose, corner of the mouth, and under the lower eyelids. A facelift removes excess skin and tightens the remaining skin, which helps remove deep creases. 


Sagging Cheeks and Face

If your cheeks and the middle of your face are sagging, a facelift can help improve your appearance. Tightening the sagging skin can help reverse the signs of aging. Surgeons use skillfully hidden incisions to tighten the mid-face without leaving visible scars. A good facelift will correct the issue, leaving you with natural-looking results. 


Risks Associated With Facelifts


Just like with all types of surgery, there are risks associated with a facelift. Some patients experience an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Other risks include:


  • Bleeding or infection

  • Scarring from incisions

  • Hematoma (collection of blood)

  • Nerve injury

  • Skin loss

  • Hair loss


You can talk to the surgeon about factors that can increase the risk of developing complications. If you have a medical condition or are on certain medications, you may not be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery. 


Recovering From a Facelift 


Facelift recovery usually takes several weeks, but the time varies depending on the extent of the procedure. After the procedure, the surgeon will bandage the face to reduce swelling and bruising. The surgeon may place temporary drains under the skin to collect excess fluid and blood. You will receive post-op care instructions to ensure a fast recovery. 


As people age, the skin becomes looser and loses elasticity. Fat deposits decrease in some parts of the face and may increase in others. A facelift can help correct the age-related changes by removing sagging and excess skin, deep folds, and excess fat. The surgeon will talk to you about the different surgical techniques available. 


For more on what a facelift can correct, contact Pacific Lipo at our San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California offices. Call 858-427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898, respectively, to schedule an appointment today.

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