What Can a Facial Rejuvenation Correct?

Your skin needs pampering due to the daily stressors that take a toll on it. Aging also impacts your appearance by leaving blemishes, fine lines, and laxity on your skin. As a result, your appearance and self-esteem can get affected. Fortunately, facial rejuvenation can help. Read on to learn more.


The Meaning of Facial Rejuvenation

Cosmetic treatments that renew your skin surface appearance are what is included in a facial rejuvenation. They aim to initiate the innate renewal ability of the body to heal and rejuvenate its skin cells. As a result, you get a more radiant and youthful appearance.


What Facial Rejuvenation Corrects


Below are some of the issues that facial rejuvenation corrects:


  • Wrinkles and fine lines - The tapering of collagen production results in wrinkles and fine lines. Most people between 40 to 50 have these on various parts of their faces

  • Uneven skin texture and tone - Anyone can have texture and uneven skin tone. However, adults aged 40 or above often have skin unevenness. Uneven skin tone is the toning, complexion, and ruddiness of skin. An uneven texture on the skin is the dryness, dimpled, bumpy, and rough skin surface texture

  • Blemishes and dark spots - Skin damage signs can show on your skin through blemishes and dark spots. Most times, older adults experience it on their skin

  • Acne scarring and acne - Younger adults are not the only age group that suffers from acne. Adults, especially women aged 30 to 40s, often suffer from hormonal acne. Acne scarring entails enlarged pores and a dimpled appearance of the skin surface

  • Skin laxity - Increased looseness, dryness, and thinness of the skin is skin laxity. It commonly occurs in the cheeks, brow area, and beneath the eyes. Your skin loses its elasticity or bouncing-back ability. Chronic dehydration and aging can lead to the problem


Fat Transfer for Facial Rejuvenation


Your specialist can perform skin rejuvenation through fat transfer. They remove fat from a part of your body, such as the thigh, then inject it into the treatment area. Doing so lowers the risk of a patient getting an allergic reaction. Fat harvesting happens using syringes.


Facial rejuvenation through fat transfer enhances the face, chin, cheeks, and lips, among other parts. It helps fill depressions, wrinkles, and furrows.


How to Enhance Your Results

You can get the most out of your facial rejuvenation treatment when you care for your health and skin. Below are a few things you can do:


  • Hydration - Staying hydrated helps maintain healthy skin. The body removes toxins by relying on water. The skin also retains moisture and elasticity through hydration

  • Skin care products - Skin perfecting and anti-aging treatment results last longer when you use the ideal skin care products. Have a routine that involves using cleansers, serums, moisturizers, and exfoliants. Sunscreen is vital to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. You can use prescription or over-the-counter products with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid or retinol

  • Sleep - Sleep deprivation can lead to dark circles below your eyes, acne breakouts, and dry skin. Get adequate sleep every night to help tone your skin to perfect your facial rejuvenation results


The Best Time to Get a Facial Rejuvenation


Most people struggle to get the ideal time for cosmetic treatments that help refresh and rejuvenate their appearance. You may think that doing it too early may not be effective. Other people may also believe their issues are not severe enough to start a facial rejuvenation treatment. However, the truth is that the ideal time for facial rejuvenation is whenever you're ready to make a change with your skin tone, texture, and overall facial appearance.


For more about facial rejuvenation, contact Pacific Liposculpture at our offices in La Jolla, San Diego, and Los Angeles or Newport Beach, California. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898, respectively, to book an appointment today.

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