What Is a Natural Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation can help improve the size and shape of the breasts. In most cases, breast augmentation involves using silicone or saline implants. However, some women would rather not have a foreign body implanted in them. 


If you want larger breasts without breast implants, you can get a minimally invasive natural breast augmentation. Natural augmentation involves a fat transfer procedure to increase breast size and improve the shape of the natural breasts. You can find out below what a natural breast augmentation is. 


Natural Breast Augmentation 


Natural or autologous breast augmentation involves using fat removed from other parts of the woman’s body. The surgeon harvests fat and injects it into the breasts to increase their size. This allows women to get large breasts without using foreign implant materials. 


The procedure has the added benefit of removing fat from an area of the body with excess fat. Through liposuction, the surgeon removes fat from one area to slim it down and then uses the fat to increase breast volume. They usually harvest the fat from the thighs, butt, or abdomen.


Benefits of Natural Breast Augmentation 


A benefit of natural breast augmentation is getting bigger breasts without artificial implants. The procedure reduces the chances of infection, and you do not have to worry about a ruptured implant.


Another benefit is that the augmentation involves injections that do not cause scarring. Natural augmentation is minimally-invasive and does not require general anesthesia. Recovery is quick, and patients can get back to their daily activities faster. 


Downsides of Natural Augmentation


On the downside, natural breast augmentation is not for everyone. If you want a large increase in size, the procedure might not be suitable. The micro-fat grafting technique used by Pacific Lipo is ideal for patients who require a one-cup size increase. 


A larger cup size may require silicone or saline implants. The procedure is only ideal for patients with excess fat in other body areas. Fat re-absorption can lead to a reduction in breast size over time.


Fat Removal Procedure


The surgeon removes the fat from other parts of the body through liposuction. They then process the fat before injecting it into the breasts, converting it into a liquid that is easier to inject. The liposuction technique ensures that the fat cells are clean and prepared for the procedure.


After preparing the fat, the surgeon will inject the liquefied fat into the breasts in small drops. The body might absorb some of it, reducing the final size of the breasts.


Ideal Candidates for Natural Augmentation 


To find out if you are an ideal candidate for natural breast augmentation, you need to schedule a consultation. Ideal candidates are people in good overall health and non-smokers. Patients who want a small or moderate increase in their breast size are good candidates. The procedure is ideal for correcting breast asymmetry or irregularity in shape. The patient must have realistic expectations about the augmentation.  


The patient needs to understand the results of natural breast augmentation. How the breasts look immediately after the procedure is not an accurate picture of the results. Around 20 to 40 percent of the injected fat may be re-absorbed. Recovery from the treatment is quick, with many patients returning to work three or four days after surgery.


For more information on natural breast augmentation, contact Pacific Lipo at our offices in San Diego, Los Angeles, or Newport Beach, California. You can call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898 today to schedule an appointment.

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