What's Right for You: Tummy Tuck or Abdominal Liposculpture?

Do you want a tummy tuck or abdominal liposculpture? If so, this information is for you.


Tummy tuck and abdominal liposculpture, or abdominal liposuction, are surgical procedures that work to improve your stomach’s appearance. Achieving and maintaining a flat tummy can be quite challenging over time. Aging, pregnancy, childbirth, significant weight loss, or weight gain are life events that can change the aesthetics of your stomach.


Sometimes, changing your diet and spending time in the gym or on your mat doing abdominal exercises may not give you the results you desire. If you are struggling to lose your fat in your middle section, body-shaping surgeries such as tummy tuck or abdominal liposculpture can work for you. But you may be wondering - which one is appropriate for you?


What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck also goes by the name abdominoplasty. It is a surgical procedure that makes your tummy thinner and firmer.

During a tummy tuck, your surgeon puts you under general anesthesia and makes an incision in the area between the belly button and the pubic part. The incision exposes your stomach muscles for repair. The surgeon tightens the stomach muscles by pulling them together and sewing them.

After repairing the muscles, the surgeon trims away excess skin and fat around your abdominal area before closing the cut with sutures.


Who Gets a Tummy Tuck?


A tummy tuck is ideal for people who:


  • Are within their ideal weight

  • Are in overall good health condition

  • Have stubborn fat around their belly that refuses to clear up with exercise and diet

  • Do not smoke

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle


What Is Abdominal Liposculpture?


Abdominal liposculpture, or liposuction, is a surgical procedure that breaks fat into pieces and sucks it from your body. The procedure can remove fat from your stomach, arms, neck, thighs, hips, or buttocks and shape them.


During abdominal liposculpture, your surgeon injects a mixture of salt, water, and anesthesia into the target fat cells. Then, the surgeon uses a tool that resembles an IV needle to suck out the fat.


The process is not as invasive as a tummy tuck, and the outcome is a further sculpted outline. But unlike a tummy tuck, abdominal liposculpture does not rid excess skin. It only removes minor fat deposits. It is also important to know that abdominal liposculpture is not a weight loss treatment, and you will not lose significant weight with this surgery.


Who Gets Abdominal Liposculpture?


Abdominal liposculpture is ideal for people who:


  • Are physically healthy and have a stable weight

  • Are looking to get rid of stubborn fat deposits around their belly, thighs, hips, or buttocks

  • Do not smoke

  • Have realistic expectations


What’s Right for You?


If you are concerned about excess skin around your stomach area, a tummy tuck will be a more appropriate procedure. However, if pockets of fat around your tummy are more of your concern, abdominal liposculpture will give you great results.


Talk to your plastic surgeon to help you decide which option will work for you. Tummy tuck and abdominal liposculpture are two different treatments. Your plastic surgeon will help you make the right decision tailored to your needs and expectations.


For more on tummy tucks and abdominal liposculpture, contact Pacific Lipo at our offices in La Jolla, Newport Beach, or Los Angeles, California. You can call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898 to book an appointment today.

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