When Is It Medically Necessary to Lose Weight?

Obesity or being overweight is harmful to your health and well-being. However, hearing your doctor confirm a need for weight loss can be worrying and upsetting. Over 30 percent of the adult population in the United States has a body mass index of 30 or more and is obese. Read on to learn when it is medically necessary to lose weight.


When Your Doctor Can Prescribe Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese is dangerous—it can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and high blood pressure. It also causes significant effects on your emotional health, especially with the current obsession with body image.

Your doctor may prescribe weight loss for health reasons. They will do so to help improve your quality of life and health to ensure you live long and happily. They will also advise you to lose weight to prevent the progression of a health condition you may have.


Exercise and Diet

Increasing physical activity and lowering your calories prove to help with weight loss. A dietitian can work with you and advise the foods to attain your healthy weight goals.

Consult your healthcare practitioner before starting your exercises to ensure safety for your health.


Weight Loss Medication

Medications cannot reduce weight overnight. However, there are some cases where it may be a necessary option to help shed a few pounds to remain healthy. For example, doctors may recommend the use of semaglutide for obese individuals.

The drug commonly helps people with type 2 diabetes. It is also effective in weight loss by suppressing appetite and giving one the feeling of being full once they eat.


Weight Loss Surgery

You may be eligible for surgery for weight loss if your BMI is 35 or higher. A gastric bypass surgery or a gastroplasty can help. A gastric bypass entails creating a tiny pouch around your small intestine region to absorb most of the food you eat. A banded gastroplasty will limit how much food your stomach can hold by placing a band around your stomach’s upper portion.

Surgical procedures carry a certain level of risk. As a result, you must commit to exercising and dieting to remain healthy for the rest of your life. It is also the best option if diet and workouts do not help with weight loss.


Taking the Initiative With Your Medical Care Provider

Some people may want to lose weight without their doctor prescribing it for medical reasons. If that is you, visit your healthcare practitioner to discuss your weight loss desire to ensure you remain healthy. You can prepare questions beforehand, and having a support system can be helpful.

Your medical care provider can take a conservative approach to resolve conditions like osteoarthritis through weight loss. But if you are not comfortable with some recommendations, you can ask if there are other options for treating your medical conditions while you work towards weight loss.


Long-term Weight Loss Motivation

Remaining committed to maintaining a healthy weight requires discipline and consistency. The weight loss journey can be frustrating and lengthy and requires patience to see results.

It is vital to keep reminding yourself of the importance of weight loss. You may aim to be active and play sports you could not before. It is essential to remember that many people have lost weight and maintained the results. You can lose weight significantly if you commit to doing it and keep all the lost pounds off.

For more about weight loss, visit Pacific Liposculpture in San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898 to book an appointment today.

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