
Upper & Lower Abdominal Liposculpture


Would you like to lose a few inches off of your waist-line?

​Most people carry their weight in their midsection, even with intense dieting and exercise it can be very difficult to lose weight or inches in this area. Abdominal liposculpture can help, and is the most common liposculpture procedure for both women and men of all shapes and sizes. Pacific Liposculpture's technologically advanced procedure takes approximately 45-90 minutes to complete.

​​​​​​​The incisions are extremely small and hidden in inconspicuous areas in the natural creases of the body. A skin tightening technique is also performed at the same time. Participants in this procedure are asked to wear a very lightweight, low profile compression garment which will be provided to you at no extra charge. So get on your way to a firmer, flatter tummy today and call or come into Pacific Liposculpture for your free consultation.

Call today for a FREE consultation!
San Diego: (858) 427-8899
Los Angeles: (424) 421-2250
Orange County: (888) 575-8898
(See Before & After images)

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Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (424) 421-2250 https://goo.gl/maps/vAEV9T62McR77B3FA https://goo.gl/maps/A9cfDZaEm4AGNyca6 301 Bayview Circle, Ste 218
Newport Beach, 92600 (888) 575-8898 (858)558-8328