
Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Nose Job

​​​​​​​Rhinoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis. The surgery can take anywhere from one to two hours, but longer for revision surgery. Some patients may receive local anesthesia, with sedation. In some instances, general anesthesia may be required. Your surgeon will either perform open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty, which refers to the incisions made.

Open rhinoplasty: Incisions are made in the small area of skin separating your nostrils, known as the columella.

Closed rhinoplasty: Typically used for minor reshaping, incisions are made within the nose. Your plastic surgeon separates the skin from the bone and cartilage so that it can be reshaped, rearranged, removed, or augmented as needed.

Revision rhinoplasty: Performed to correct problems from a previous rhinoplasty.

Next, your plastic surgeon reshapes the nose by reducing or augmenting nasal structures, and correcting a deviated septum, if necessary. Finally, the incision is closed, and the nasal skin and tissue are gently re-draped. Your doctor may apply a cast or splint.”

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