Tummy Tuck

Pacific Lipo Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Before and After

What is a Pacific Lipo Tummy Tuck?

The goal of abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck surgery, is for a cosmetic surgeon to remove excess loose skin, eliminate stubborn deposits of fat, and sometimes tighten the abdominal muscles when needed. This proven surgical procedure is customized to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual Pacific Lipo tummy tuck patient. Some patients may only require a mini-tummy tuck, which uses a shorter incision at or just above the pubic region. Because there are several variations of tummy tuck surgery, an experienced surgeon will explain these options and help patients arrive at a treatment plan that is designed to give them more natural-appearing results and an improved sense of self-confidence.

Who is the best candidate for a Pacific Lipo Tummy Tuck?

​The ideal candidate for this procedure would be a person in generally good health, have loose or droopy skin around the abdomen, have reasonable expectations, and commit to a healthy lifestyle. Men or women with excess skin or fat who feel they have a stubborn abdominal roundness that cannot be eliminated with regular exercise or dieting would be the best candidates. The majority of patients who seek these procedures are women who have had multiple pregnancies and have excess ‘baby fat’. Individuals who plan to have more children in the future should avoid this surgery. Becoming pregnant, losing a significant amount of weight, aging, or having serious medical conditions may reverse the results of the surgery. One should not feel pressured into having the procedure by someone else.

Smoking increases the risk for complications during or after the surgery. Therefore, smokers are asked to quit smoking at least one month prior to surgery. A decrease in the blood flow due to smoking may result in skin loss, infection, increased scarring, and poor wound healing. Even secondhand smoke should be completely avoided prior to surgery. Before considering this surgery you should exhaust other options that do not involve surgery such as exercise and healthy diet habits. This is an invasive procedure and should be considered as a last resort.

An Accredited Surgical Center for you Tummy Tuck

​While a physician's affiliations are important, patients should check to make sure their surgeon operates in a fully accredited center. If your cosmetic surgeon does not perform procedures in a hospital, individuals should look for accreditation by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). This accreditation indicates that the facility follows all proper safety protocols.

Call today for a FREE consultation!
San Diego: (858) 427-8899
Los Angeles: (424) 421-2250
Orange County: (888) 575-8898
(See Before & After images)

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