Tummy Tuck San Diego

Have you been considering a tummy tuck procedure for a long time? Do you dream about getting a tight and toned tummy? If so, a tummy tuck procedure may be proper for you. A tummy tuck is also called an abdominoplasty procedure. It is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal region of the body. It will even tighten your abdominal muscles to make them look more defined and toned. Who doesn’t want to have that? Call us at (858) 427-8899 to schedule your free tummy tuck consultation at our San Diego office today.

Learn More About Tummy Tuck San Diego

Who Is Eligible for Tummy Tuck San Diego?

A tummy tuck procedure is suitable for most people with a moderate to high degree of skin laxity (droopy skin). Among the main requirements are that you cannot be pregnant or plan to get pregnant again. And if you’re significantly overweight, an active smoker, or an uncontrolled diabetic, you may not be eligible either. Most patients are sent for a medical clearance with their family doctors prior to moving forward with a tummy tuck.

The tummy tuck procedure is for people with excess fat and skin on their abdomen, especially women who have given birth in the past. It is not a procedure that is intended to help you lose weight or treat obesity. If you have a significant weight issue, you may need to seek out other forms of treatment for it.

What To Expect During Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

The tummy tuck procedure must be performed in a licensed and accredited facility like Pacific Lipo. Since it is a more invasive procedure, there is an exceedingly small risk of infection or other unwanted complications even when the procedure has been performed well.

Fortunately, the cosmetic surgeons of Pacific Lipo are well-trained and experienced in performing tummy tuck procedures. Our high success rate should put your worries at ease because our surgeons have the background and best surgical tools to perform the tummy tuck with complete precision.

Here are the steps involved:

  • We’ll administer anesthesia to numb any pain or discomfort you would otherwise feel during the tummy tuck procedure. The extent of the anesthesia depends on the length of time it’ll take to perform your procedure.

  • The surgeon will make two to three incisions of various sizes, depending on how much excess skin and fat will get removed. The final incision forms a new belly button opening so the surgeon can pop your belly button back to the surface.

  • The surgeon will close up the incisions using any number of tools, such as special sutures, skin closure tapes, skin adhesives, and possibly staples for larger tummy tucks.

You will receive discharge instructions to ensure you care for yourself properly during your recovery period. It’ll take at least six weeks for the swelling to go down after the tummy tuck procedure. After that, your belly should look firmer, toner, flatter, and more proportionate to your body and weight.

Get A Free Tummy Tuck Consultation At Pacific Lipo

Pacific Lipo is the number one cosmetic treatment facility for tummy tuck services. If you are interested in getting a tummy tuck procedure at our facility in San Diego, you can request a free consultation with one of our brilliant plastic surgeons. We’ll discuss the tummy tuck procedure in more detail to ensure it is right for you.

Call us at (858) 427-8899 to schedule your free tummy tuck consultation at our San Diego office today.

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